Derek Peden

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1990's Banking in 2018

My bank still asks me to talk to a human to setup Apple Pay. So I phone them, enter my account number, sort code, security code and then wait on hold…. then I give them my name, my card number, date of birth. They confirm it’s setup, but proceed to send me a physical letter to confirm. Every subsequent transaction will be backed up by an SMS and email, in addition to the notification on the device and transaction tracking in the Apple Pay app.

I appreciate the need for the security, but lets face this remains a niche payment method which is both tied to a device with PIN and biometric security which I can track and remotely disable, and is capped at £30.

The cost to me and to the bank of this added security doesn’t warrant this elongated and cumbersome process. I really hope they can catch-up to this century, and soon.